Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saints Row 2 Coop

Ok so as we all know Saints Row 2 is the hopped up version of GTA 4 and it is certainly hopped up I have heard it being described as GTA on acid.

In my opinion the online coop is very smooth and fun to play, I have been playing with one of my very good friends and clanmate J4NR1K and we have been having an absolute blast.A great part of the coop is that you are not tied together as in so many online coop games these days, one player can be doing his own thing while the other is on the other side of the map. Doing missions is also quite simple as soon as one player accepts they both are teleported together and the fun starts.

You can decide to either mess around and take for example a septic tank truck to go spray some neighbourhoods or you can be goal oriented and go for the missions, messing around is encouraged though as it gives you rep which is needed to play missions in the game.

Overall I think the coop experience is great and I am giving it 9/10 (Player 1).

Saints Row 2 - Player 2's take on it

Pimp your GTA!

This game puts the fun firmly in control and flips the bird to the rest.
If only all COOP sandbox games where this mad, this fun, this awesome!

Both players can roam free and cause havok anywhere, any time.
The netcode could be a little better, but then again, syncing a entire city to 2 consoles is no small thing and the Devi did a great job on it.

If your in the mood for cooperative mayhem and madness, meet a buddy in the 'hood and unleash your inner anarchist.

Player 2 core: 9/10 for coop fun!